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Winter School on A^1-Homotopy Theory

created by daniele on 20 Nov 2017

5 feb 2018 - 9 feb 2018


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear algebraic geometer,

as part of the cooperation between the FRIAS Research Focus on "Cohomology" and the Research Training Group GK1821, we are pleased to announce a winter school on A1-Homotopy Theory that will take place in Freiburg from February 5 to 9, 2018.

The school will cover the basic constructions of the unstable and stable A1-homotopy categories, along with the relevant category-theoretic methods, such as model structures, left Bousfield localization and symmetric spectra. These constructions will be applied to more recent developments, such as the questions of A1-contractibility and the minus-part of the stable A1-homotopy category.

Please see our web page for more information:

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