Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations

created by pluda on 28 Oct 2017

5 mar 2018 - 8 mar 2018


We are pleased to announce the workshop “Geometric Evolution Equations” that will be held at the University of Regensburg in 2018 (March 5th to March 8th) funded by our Research and Training Group "Curvature, Cylcles, and Cohomology".

The aim of the conference is to is to gather some experts working actively in Geometric evolution equations like mean curvature, surface diffusion, Ricci and Willmore flow. Between the topics of the plenary talks there are well-posedness locally and globally in time of the flow, stability of equilibria and study of singularities in geometric flows.

There will be invited lectures as well as a limited amount of contributed talks. If you are interested in giving a contributed talk, please send us a title and brief abstract until January 31, 2018. For young participants there will be the possibility to present a poster. Please send us a title.

Limited financial support for young researchers is available (deadline: December 31, 2017).

Organizers: Helmut Abels, Georg Dolzmann, Harald Garcke, Alessandra Pluda.

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