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masterclass on algebraic stacks

created by daniele on 13 Oct 2017

19 dec 2017 - 21 dec 2017


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Dean colleagues,
we organize a masterclass on algebraic stacks from the 19th to the 21st December at Angers.

Organization : In the morning, there will be 2h of lectures and in the afternoon 2h of exercises.

Program : We will define fibered categories in groupoids, Grothendieck topologies and algebraic stacks. We will give historical examples like the moduli space of stable maps.

Prerequisites: This masterclass is part of the Master 2 of Angers-Nantes-Rennes and it is opened to anyone that have followed at least one course in algebraic geometry (for example chapter 1 of Hartshorne)

Funding: We will refund the housing and the lunches and some of the travels.

Deadline for registration : 15th November

To register :

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