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Mirror Symmetry Days

created by daniele on 30 Sep 2017

1 nov 2017 - 2 nov 2017

University of Kent

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear all,

We are organizing a short conference ``Mirror Symmetry days'' at the University of Kent. The event will run on November 1st and 2nd. There will be four lectures per day. Our list of speakers include

Mohammad Akhtar
Mark Gross
Yanki Lekili
Clelia Pech
Sarah Scherotzke
Nick Sheridan
Nicolo Sibilla

More information will be available on the website of the conference
We have limited funding for graduate students. If you plan to attend please register before the 20th of October by sending us an email at N.Sibilla(AT) . If you are a graduate student, and would like to request (partial) financial support, please mention this in your email.

Clelia Pech and Nicolò Sibilla

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