Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory at Villa Finaly

created by daniele on 26 Sep 2017

4 dec 2017 - 6 dec 2017

Villa Finaly in Florence

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to bring to your attention the conference on Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory on the occasion of Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène's 70th birthday. It will take place on

December 4-6, 2017

at the Villa Finaly in Florence.

Invited speakers:
G. Ancona (Strasbourg)
T. D. Browning (Bristol)
A. Cadoret (Paris)
F. Knop (Erlangen)
M. Levine (Essen)
A. Merkurjev (Los Angeles)
S. Saito (Tokyo)
P. Salberger (Gothenburg)
A. N. Skorobogatov (London)
A. Smeets (Nijmegen)
Y. Tschinkel (New York)

More information can be found at

For practical reasons, registration is required to attend the talks (please email one of the organisers before November 15).

Best regards,

The organisers,
Alena Pirutka and Olivier Wittenberg

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