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Workshop in Deformation Theory III

created by daniele on 22 Sep 2017

19 feb 2018 - 23 feb 2018


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the Winter School:


Workshop in Deformation Theory, III

Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bari, Bari, Italy

19 February - 23 February 2018


The aim of the school is to teach various issues in deformation theory to Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, and anybody else who could be interested. The scientific programme will be focused on four short courses held by:

- Martin Markl (Mathematical Institute of the Czech Academy of Science)

- Manfred Lehn (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)

- Elena Martinengo (Università degli Studi di Torino)

- Gianluca Pacienza (Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine)

In addition to the courses, a limited number of seminars on relate topics will be added. More information about the school can be found on the website

A second announcement with more details about courses and registrations will follow in the autumn.

Organising and Scientific Committee:

Francesco Bastianelli, Donatella Iacono, Marco Manetti

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