Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Informal Geometry Workshop in "Paradiso"


Monday 22 jan 2018
09:00 opening
09:20 H. Guenancia Variation of singular Kähler-Einstein metrics
10:20 C. Scarpa Hitchin equations for cscK metrics
10:50 coffee break
11:20 M. De Borbon Calabi-Yau metrics with conical singularities along line arrangements
12:20 M. Sroka Quaternionic Calabi Conjecture
12:50 lunch break
14:50 A. Della Vedova Special almost complex structures on symplectic manifolds
15:50 V. Manero Solution of the Laplacian flow and coflow of a Locally Conformal Parallel G2-structure
16:20 coffee break
16:50 R. Lafuente Immortal homogeneous Ricci flows
17:50 F. A. Rossi Einstein nilpotent Lie groups
18:20 break
18:30 N. Tardini The Bott-Chern cohomology and the delta_1delta_2-lemma
19:00 A. Latorre Construction of complex structures on nilmanifolds
Tuesday 23 jan 2018
09:00 excursion (weather permitting)
13:00 lunch break
14:30 L. Bedulli Balanced metrics on complex manifolds and geometric flows of closed forms
15:30 M. Upmeier Almost Kähler 4-manifolds of Constant Holomorphic Sectional Curvature are Kähler
16:00 S. Lancini About solutions to the Einstein constraint equations with apparent horizons
16:30 coffee break
16:50 R. Maccheroni Complex analytic properties of minimal Lagrangian submanifolds
17:20 R. Ugolini A new notion of tameness
17:50 G. Sarfatti Slice polynomials and twistor geometry
18:20 break
18:30 K. Panagiotidou Types of Ricci tensors of real hypersurfaces in Hermitian symmetric spaces
19:00 I. Chrysikos A new 1/2-Ricci type formula on the spinor bundle and applications
Wednesday 24 jan 2018
09:00 T. D. To Fully non-linear parabolic equations on compact Hermitian manifolds
10:00 H. Tadano Myers-Type Theorems, Diameter Bounds, and Gap Theorems for Sasaki Manifolds
10:30 coffee break
10:50 A constrained heat flow of G2-structures
11:30 A. Raffero Two remarkable classes of symplectic half-flat 6-manifolds
12:10 L. Foscolo Cohomogeneity one G2-manifolds
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