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Worshop for Young Researchers: Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory

created by daniele on 30 Aug 2017
modified on 24 Nov 2017

12 mar 2018 - 16 mar 2018

University of Cologne

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear all,

this is the second announcement for:

"Workshop for Young Researchers: Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory"

which will take place at the University of Cologne, 12th - 16th March 2018.

It will consist of two mini-courses given by Christopher Manon and Markus Reineke.

The workshop is aimed at PhD students, post-docs, and young researchers. We will have some partial funding for postgraduate students.

For more information (including registration, funding, and other details), please visit the website Please register using the following form, If you wish to be considered for financial support you should complete the registration by January 14th.

Best regards,

Sara Lamboglia and Lara Bossinger

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