Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Moduli of curves in Gothenburg

created by daniele on 24 Aug 2017

13 oct 2017 - 16 oct 2017


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear all,

We are organizing a workshop in Gothenburg on Moduli of curves. The event will run from the afternoon of Friday 13 October afternoon until the morning of Monday 16 October.

Our aim is to have a small and informal workshop with 12 talks (2 for each half-day), and to allow for plenty of time for people to interact. The website of the workshop is here:

Our list of speakers includes

Alessandro Chiodo,
Jesse Kass,
Angela Gibney,
Jeremy Guere,
David Holmes,
Klaus Hulek,
Dan Petersen,
Johannes Schmitt,
Nicola Tarasca,
Mehdi Tavakol,

and we are waiting for other people to confirm.

If you would like to attend, please register by sending an email to with deadline 30th September 2017.

We have very limited fundings. If you would like to request (partial) financial support, the deadline for registration is September 3rd. In your registration email you should include one paragraph (about 3 sentences) indicating your research interests (for example your PhD project), and another paragraph where you very briefly summarize your career and your current employer (including your PhD supervisor if you are a PhD student). Priority will be given to PhD students and then to postdocs. We encourage applications from women participants. If you do not hear from us by September 10th, you should assume that we are not able to give you any support.

Best regards,

Nicola Pagani and Orsola Tommasi

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