6 nov 2017 - 10 nov 2017
Università di Salerno, Fisciano (SA) Italy
This is an informal meeting on different approaches to the formal theory of PDEs within jet spaces.
The formal theory of PDEs originated in the first half of the 20th century from the works of Riquier, Janet, Elie Cartan and a few others. Later, it was recast in modern, differential geometric language by several people including Spencer, Bryant, Chern, Goldschmidt, Griffiths, ... Our tiny and informal meeting aims at comparing different approaches to the formal theory of PDEs within jet spaces. It also aims at discussing the role of the formal theory of PDEs in contemporary differential geometry and mathematical physics. The workshop will consist of three 6 hours mini-courses, one 2 hours lecture, and (hopefully) several hours of open discussion.
Organizers: Antonio De Nicola, Pier Paolo La Pastina, Jonas Schnitzer, Luca Vitagliano.
Speakers: Francesco Cattafi, Marius Crainic, Igor Khavkine, Ori Yudilevich.