11 sep 2017 - 15 sep 2017
Banach Center in Warsaw
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear Colleagues,
A workshop on Periods and Ricci flat manifolds will take place at the Banach Center in Warsaw on September 11-15, 2017
Invited speakers are:
Arnaud Beauville (Nice)
Gilberto Bini (Milano)
Michele Bolognesi (Montpellier)
Christian Böhning (Warwick)
Yohan Brunebarbe (Uni Zürich)
Chiara Camere (Milano)
Martin Gulbrandsen (Stavanger)
Martí Lahoz (Paris 7)
Adrian Langer (Warsaw)
Laurent Manivel (Marseille)
John Christian Ottem (Oslo) - tbc
Victor Przyjalkowski (Moscow)
Ulrike Riess (ETH Zürich)
Gregory Sankaran (Bath) - tbc
Alessandro Verra (Roma Tre)
To register, please send an email to Maria Donten-Bury: marysia(AT)mimuw.edu.pl
We have a limited number of rooms in the Banach Center available for participants.
For further information please visit our website: http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~marysia/periods_ricci_flat/
Best regards,
Maria Donten-Bury, Grzegorz Kapustka, Michał Kapustka, Giovanni Mongardi, Piotr Pragacz
(the organizers)