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An algebraic geometry conference in Berlin

created by daniele on 08 May 2017

10 jul 2017 - 12 jul 2017

Humboldt University, Berlin

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It is our pleasure to announce the conference

Higgs bundles, K3 surfaces and moduli

which will take place at the Humboldt University in Berlin between July 10-12, 2017. The following mathematicians have agreed to give talks:

Piotr Achinger
Sean Keel
Francois Charles
Alexander Kuznetsov
Michael Groechenig
Christian Liedtke
Tamas Hausel
Davesh Maulik
Jochen Heinloth
Keiji Oguiso
Daniel Huybrechts
Matthias Schütt

For more information please visit the conference website
Limited financial support might be available in a few cases. Everybody is most welcome to participate.

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