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COW: 3rd British Algebraic Geometry Meeting

created by daniele on 18 Apr 2017

11 sep 2017 - 13 sep 2017

University of Cambridge

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The third British Algebraic Geometry (BrAG) Meeting will take place at the University of Cambridge on 11-13 September 2017.

The meeting will feature a broad spectrum of talks on algebraic geometry, pre-talks for graduate students, and a poster session where all junior participants are encouraged to present their work. There will be plenty of time for informal interactions. The meeting will start early afternoon on Monday and will end around lunch time on Wednesday. Website:

Registration deadline for funding: 1 May, 2017, see

(We aim to fund students and post-docs.)

Confirmed speakers

Arend Bayer (Edinburgh)

Cinzia Casagrande (Universita di Torino)

Barbara Fantechi (SISSA)

Elham Izadi (UCSD)

James McKernan (UCSD)

Johannes Nicaise (Imperial and KU Leuven)

Dan Petersen (University of Copenhagen)

Jørgen Vold Rennemo (Oxford)

Gregory Sankaran (Bath)

Organizers: Paolo Cascini (Imperial), Diane Maclagan (Warwick), Nicola Pagani (Liverpool), Julius Ross (Cambridge)

Scientific advisors: Ivan Cheltsov (Edinburgh), Mark Gross (Cambridge), Frances Kirwan (Oxford), Miles Reid (Warwick), Richard Thomas (Imperial)

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