23 jun 2017
Valladolid, Spain
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Colloquium 2017 first announcement
Celebrating Contributions of Antonio Campillo to Mathematics
June 23, 2017, Valladolid, Spain
This Coloquium Fest is a one day event devoted to celebrate scientific work by Antonio Campillo, as a final activity included in a program developed to pay homage to him. The full program from June 19th to 23rd, also includes two plenary talks, given by Sebastian Xambó and Gert-Martin Greuel, and two special sessions Algebraic Geometry and Singularities within the Fourth Joint Meeting of Royal Spanish and Mexican Mathematical Societies, June 19th to 22th.
More info http://www.singacom.uva.es/ColoquioCampillo2017/
Invited Speakers
Guillermo Cortiñas. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Félix Delgado de la Mata. Universidad de Valladolid.
Sabir Gusein-Zade. Moscow State University.
Luis Narváez Macarro. Universidad de Sevilla.
Patrick Popescu-Pampu. Université de Lille.