18 sep 2017 - 22 sep 2017
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Dear Colleagues,
We will be holding an algebraic geometry graduate school on ‘Modern Moduli
Theory’ in Oxford, 18-22 September 2017. The school website is
http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/~joyce/MMT2017/index.html. The organizers are
Dominic Joyce, Kevin McGerty and Balazs Szendroi. The speakers are
Chris Brav (Moscow)
Tom Bridgeland (Oxford)
Emily Cliff (Illinois)
Adam and Lena Gal (Oxford)
Dominic Joyce (Oxford)
Kevin McGerty (Oxford)
Tom Nevins (Illinois)
Georg Oberdieck (MIT)
Nick Rozenblyum (Chicago).
Topics include (derived) moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on Calabi-Yau manifolds, Donaldson-Thomas theory and its generalizations, and Hall algebras in Geometric Representation Theory.
Registration is now open. There is limited funding available for accommodation for PhD students and early career researchers. Those requesting funding for accommodation should fill in the registration form on the school website by May 15th 2017.