Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Announcement: Geometric Analysis conference in Trieste

created by daniele on 18 Apr 2017

19 jun 2017 - 23 jun 2017

SISSA, Trieste

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

this is to announce a conference on "Geometric Analysis on smooth and non-smooth spaces” in SISSA, Trieste, from 19th to 23rd of June 2017.

Speakers are:

• Claudio Arezzo (ICTP)
• Huai-Dong Cao (Lehigh University)
• Giovanni Catino (Politecnico di Milano)
• Ivan Gentil (Université Clause Bernard Lyon 1)
• Shouhei Honda (Tohoku University)
• Vitali Kapovitch (University of Toronto)
• Martin Kell (University of Tuebingen)
• Christian Ketterer (University of Frieburg)
• Bruce Kleiner (New York University) – to be confirmed
• Kazumasa Kuwada (Tokio Institute of Technology)
• Jan Maas (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
• Carlo Mantegazza (Università degli studi di Napoli)
• Lorenzo Mazzieri (Università di Trento)
• Andrea Mondino (University of Warwick)
• Anton Petrunin (Penn State University)
• Takashi Shioya (Tohoku University)
• Peter Topping (University of Warwick)

Limited funds are available for PhD students or young researchers to help covering local expenses: contact Nicola Gigli at ngigli (AT) in case of need or for any information.

Please forward this email to potentially interested colleagues.

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