Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Geometric Analysis and Relativity

created by daniele on 21 Jun 2014

6 jul 2014 - 10 jul 2014

Hefei, China

The University of Science and Technology of China is hosting an international conference entitled

Geometric Analysis and Relativity

which will be held July 6-10, 2014, in Hefei, China. The program aims to gather together leading experts in elliptic aspects of Mathematical Relativity and related areas of Geometric Analysis to discuss important recent advances and new directions of research in these areas and to expose graduate students and young mathematicians in China to these exciting developments.

The following researchers have agreed to give plenary lectures at the conference.

Carla Cederbaum (Universität Tübingen)
Lan-Hsuan Huang (University of Connecticut)
Marcus Khuri (Stoney Brook University)
Dan Knopf (University of Texas)
Marc Mars (University de Salamanca)
David Maxwell (University of Alaska)
Lorenzo Mazzieri (Scuola Normale Suoperiore di Pisa)
Pengzi Miao ( University of Miami)
Ettore Minguzzi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Tim-Torben Paetz (University of Vienna)
Christina Sormani (City University of New York)
Mu-Tao Wang (Columbia University)
Eric Woolgar (University of Alberta)
Gilbert Weinstein (Ariel University of Samaria)

To view the website of the conference, please point your browser to:

We have recently heard from the NSF that a travel grant proposal has been recommended for funding, and contingent upon a formal NSF award we will be able to offer partial support to a number of graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s who travel to the conference. We encourage women and minorities to apply. If you are interested, please send an email with a brief vita to =====================================================

Organizing Committee: Minglaing Cai , University of Miami
Xiuxiong Chen, Stoney Brook University
Piotr Chrusciel, University of Vienna
Greg Galloway, University of Miami
Jim Isenberg, University of Oregon

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