Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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PADGE (Pure and Applied Differential Geometry) conference

created by tortorella on 10 Mar 2017
modified on 28 Apr 2017

21 aug 2017 - 25 aug 2017

Leuven, Belgium

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The conference PADGE (Pure and Applied Differential Geometry) will take place in Leuven (Belgium), August 21-25, 2017.

Topics and format of the conference:
There will be plenary talks and two parallel sessions, dedicated respectively to:
- Poisson geometry, symplectic geometry, foliation theory,
- Riemannian geometry, Lorentzian geometry, submanifold theory.

Plenary speakers:
the list of plenary speakers include Rui Loja Fernandes, Ioan Marcut, Eva Miranda, Andrew Swann ...

Contributed talks and posters:
Participants can propose a contributed talk for a parallel session or a poster, by using the "abstract submission" template available on the conference website. Deadline: July 10.

Registration and support:
A registration fee will be charged (deadline for early bird fee: June 20). Financial support can be requested before June 20. We encourage early requests for support, see below for details.


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