Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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GEAR retreats

created by daniele on 27 Feb 2017

30 jul 2017 - 12 aug 2017

Stanford University

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

A third and last network-wide GEAR Retreat and Junior Retreat will take place in Stanford from July 30 to August 12, 2017. The GEAR Network was created under NSF's “Research Networks in Mathematical Sciences” (RNMS) program. Its purpose is to bring together mathematicians from an array of mathematical communities whose interests are loosely characterized by the name “GEometric structures And Representation varieties” which provides the network’s acronym. The Junior Retreat is aimed at graduate student and junior research members of GEAR and will feature mini-courses as well as reports on current research. The Retreat will be structured thematically around the main areas brought together by the GEAR Network. The deadline for registration, in particular for funding, is April 1, 2017. For more information go to the Retreats website main page at
or to the websites for the Junior Retreat (July 30 - August 4 ) at
and the second week Retreat at

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