5 jun 2017 - 9 jun 2017
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Italy is the place to be for young and old dynamicists this coming June 2017. Three amazing events one after the other in Rome, Pisa and Trieste.
5-9 June, Fifth Workshop of the DinAmicI, Rome http://www.dinamici.org
12-16 June, School on Hyperbolic Dynamics, Pisa http://crm.sns.it/event/410/
19-23 June, Workshop on Hyperbolic Dynamics, Trieste http://indico.ictp.it/event/7970/
The Fifth Workshop of the DinAmicI (http://www.dinamici.org) will take place in Rome from the 5th to the 9th of June 2017 and will be sponsored and hosted by INdAM (the Italian National Institute for Advanced Mathematics).
Title: “INdAM Workshop - DinAmicI V - Modern Trends in the Ergodic Theory of Dynamical Systems”
Among the guest speakers: A. Bufetov, L. Bunimovich, J.-R. Chazottes, D. Dolgopyat, N. Frantzikinakis, V. Kaloshin, S. Luzzatto, S. Marmi, M.J. Pacifico, Ya. Sinai, D. Szasz, S. Vaienti, L.-S. Young, H.-K. Zhang
Scientific Committee: C. Liverani, Ya. Sinai, L.-S. Young
Organizing Committee: C. Bonanno, M. Lenci, A. Sorrentino
Temporary website: http://www.altamatematica.it/en/node/521
More info: claudio.bonanno (AT) unipi.it, marco.lenci (AT) unibo.it, sorrentino (AT) mat.uniroma2.it