3 apr 2017 - 6 apr 2017
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To celebrate the 25 years partnership between the universities of Strasbourg and Kyoto, l'USIAS has invited Masaki Kashiwara to give a "Kyoto lectures in Strasbourg".
On this occasion, the IRMA organizes a week of talks and mini-courses around his work from the 3rd to the 6th of April 2017.
List of speakers:
Pierre Baumann,
Andrea D'Agnolo,
Masaki Kashiwara,
GĂ©rard Laumon,
Bernard Leclerc,
Claude Sabbah,
Jean-Baptiste Teyssier.
More information is available on http://www.usias.fr/en/evenements/kyoto-lectures/masaki-kashiwara/
Best regards,
Nalini Anantharaman et Adriano Marmora.