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Conference in honor of M. Kashiwara

created by daniele on 18 Feb 2017

6 jun 2017 - 9 jun 2017


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}



A conference to celebrate Masaki Kashiwara's 70th birthday will take place at the IHES, June 6 - 9, 2017.


(A webpage will also be set up on IHES's site.)

The conference will cover recent advances in algebraic analysis and related topics.

The confirmed speakers are:

Anton Alekseev - Universite de Geneve
Alexander Beilinson - The University of Chicago
Anna Cadoret - Ecole polytechnique
Edward Frenkel - UC Berkeley
Julien Grivaux - Aix-Marseille Universite and IHES
Stephane Guillermou - Universite Grenoble Alpes
Mikhail Kapranov - PMU, The University of Tokyo
Masaki Kashiwara - RIMS, Kyoto University
Maxim Kontsevich - IHES
Takuro Mochizuki - RIMS, Kyoto University
Motohico Mulase - UC Davis
David Nadler - UC Berkeley
Hiraku Nakajima - RIMS, Kyoto University
Marco Robalo - Universite Paris 6
Raphael Rouquier - UCLA
Takeshi Saito - The University of Tokyo
Michele Vergne - Universite Paris 7
Gabriele Vezzosi - Universita di Firenze
Thomas Willwacher - ETH Zurich
Tony Yue Yu - Universite Paris-Sud

Further information and a registration form will be posted on the website of the conference in due time. Check it out.

Please feel free to forward this announcement.

The organizing committee:

Giuseppe Dito
Maxim Kontsevich
Pierre Schapira

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