11 nov 2017 - 14 nov 2017
University of Illinois at Chicago
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This is the first announcement of two meetings on Higgs bundles and related topics that will take place at the University of Illinois at Chicago during November 2017. Travel and accommodation funding is available for PhD students and young post-docs, and application for this is now open (deadline July 31st):
RTG Workshop on the Geometry and Physics of Higgs bundles II
(November 11-12)
Mini Courses:
- Daniele Alessandrini, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Laura Fredrickson, Stanford, USA.
Current trends on spectral data for Higgs bundles III
(November 13-14)
- Lara Anderson, Virginia Tech, USA.
- Olivia Dumitrescu, Michigan State, USA.
- Camilla Felisetti, Bologna, Italy.
- Laura Fredrickson, Stanford, USA.
- Qiongling Li, QGM & Caltech, Denmark & USA.
- Ngo Bao Chau, University of Chicago, USA.
- Eric Zaslow, Northwestern University, USA.
Both workshops are presented in cooperation with the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM https://sites.google.com/site/awmmath/home) and support the Non-Discrimination Statement https://sites.google.com/site/awmmath/awm-resources/policy-and-advocacy/harassment-statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics. The meetings are made possible thanks to the support of UIC Maths department, NSF RTG grant DMS-1246844 and NSF DMS 1509693. Other sources of funding are yet to be confirmed.
Please, pass along this message to anyone you think would enjoy joining us!