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EMS-school on "rationality, stable rationality and birationally rigidity of complex algebraic varieties"

created by daniele on 08 Feb 2017
modified on 08 May 2017

3 sep 2017 - 9 sep 2017


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

This is the second announcement for the European Mathematical Society Summer School.

"rationality, stable rationality and birationally rigidity of complex algebraic varieties"

to be held in Udine, Sunday 3rd - Saturday 9th September 2017.


Claire Voisin (Collège de France)
Course Title: Stable birational invariants and the generalised Lüroth problem
Supporting lecturer: Mingmin Shen (University of Amsterdam)

Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
Course Title: Birationally rigid and nearly birationally rigid varieties
Supporting lecturer: Hamid Ahmadinezhad (Loughborough University)

The web page of the school is

To be admitted, for bureaucratic reasons, it is compulsory to pay a participation fee some days before the starting of the school. This fee includes half board for 6 days, and it will be refunded upon request.

Deadline for full reimbursement of the fee: 31st May, 2017.

We can refund partially travel and other expenses for a limited number of participants. Deadline for this request: 31st May, 2017.

For any questions, please contact us at the following e-mail:
rational.dima (AT)

Best regards,

the organisers
Ugo Bruzzo, Francesco Zucconi, Pietro De Poi

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