31 jul 2017 - 11 aug 2017
Guanajuato, Mexico
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Third Latin American school on Algebraic Geometry and its applications (ELGA 3)
To be held in CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico, from July 31st. to August 11th. 2017.
The school is aimed at postgraduate students, postdocs and young researchers.
Introductory courses on research topics in Algebraic Geometry:
1. Claire Voisin: Hodge and Chow theory for Complete Intersections.
2. Mark de Cataldo: Perverse sheaves and the topology of algebraic varieties.
3. Duco Van Straten: Differential Forms in Algebraic Geometry and Applications.
4. Giorgio Ottaviani: Projective Invariants.
5. Mark Spivakovsky: Introduction to valuation theory and resolution of singularities.
6. Carolina Araujo: Fano Manifolds.
7. Lothar Goettsche*: TBA
Financial Assistance:
We will be able to offer some support. Graduate students, junior faculty, women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to participate and to apply for support. Deadline to request support is March 3th. Early requests will be given preference.
Xavier Gomez-Mont gmont@cimat.mx
Pedro Luis del Angel luis@cimat.mx
Mark Spivakovsky mark.spivakovsky@gmail.com
Important deadlines:
Asking for support: June 30th.
Registration: July 15th.
Contact: elga3 (AT) cimat.mx
Registration: http://elga3.eventos.cimat.mx/