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Summer school in Dijon "Current Topics in the Theory of Algebraic Groups"

created by daniele on 15 Jan 2017

3 jul 2017 - 7 jul 2017

Dijon (France)

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

This is the second announcement concerning the Summer school of the GDR "Théorie de Lie Algébrique et Géométrique" on

Current Topics in the Theory of Algebraic Groups

that will take place in Dijon (France) from 3 to 7 July, 2017. Registration is now open.

Important: In case you apply for accommodation, the deadline for registration is March 31st 2017 strict.

To register or have more information, please go on the website of the event:

There will be five mini-courses of 4 hours:

- Characters of finite groups of Lie type: open problems and conjectures
Meinolf GECK

- Schubert varieties and other stratified T-Poisson varieties

- Deformations of symplectic singularities and Orbit method

- Vertex algebras and associated schemes

- Birational geometry of G-varieties

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