4 sep 2017 - 15 sep 2017
Lima, Peru
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
It is a pleasure to announce the CIMPA Research School
"Group actions on algebraic varieties"
to be held in Lima, Peru, during the period September 4th to 15th, 2017.
The school is aimed at PhD students, advanced master students and postdocs.
There will be the 5 mini-courses:
- Actions of linear algebraic groups, Michel Brion (Institut Fourier,
- The vector bundle method, Olivier Debarre (ENS, France)
- Introduction to spherical varieties, Nicolas Perrin (U. Versailles,
- Dynamical moduli spaces and abelian varieties, Laura De Marco
(Northwestern U., USA)
- Actions of discrete groups on projective spaces, Jose Seade (UNAM,
and some talks on related topics by:
- Clementa Alonso (U. Alicante, Spain)
- Dave Anderson (Ohio State Univ., USA)
- Jaime Cuadros (PUCP, Peru)
- Fernando Cukierman (U. Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Arturo Fernandez (U. Federal Minas Gerais, Brazil)
- Evelia Garcia (U. de la Laguna, Spain)
- Elizabeth Gasparim (U. Catolica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile)
- Richard Gonzales (PUCP, Peru)
- Antonio Laface (U. de Concepcion, Chile)
- Sam Payne (Yale, USA)
- Alvaro Rittatore (Centro de Matemáticas, Uruguay)
- Rudy Rosas (PUCP, Peru)
- Alexander Samokhin (HHU Dusseldorf, Germany)
There might be short talks or poster sessions by young participants on related topics, that will be organised during the school.
The official web page with all updated information, as well as a registration form is now online. You can find it at the URL
The deadline for registration and funding request is May 28, 2017.
Limited financial support will be available, especially for graduate students and Post-Docs coming from developing countries, who are strongly encouraged to apply.
We kindly ask you to forward the present announcement to your colleagues and your usual mailing lists.
We look forward to seeing you in Lima!
With our best regards,
The organizers
Richard Gonzales, Clementa Alonso