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Quaternioni sul conero

created by altavilla on 12 Dec 2016
modified on 15 Feb 2017

7 sep 2017 - 8 sep 2017

Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona

The aim of the workshop is to present recent results in the field of quaternionic analysis and its applications to differential geometry and operator theory. The main topic will be the theory of slice regularity, introduced some ten years ago by G.Gentili and D.Struppa, nonetheless also recent results in other related theories will be presented. In particular Clifford analysis will have a leading role. Invited speakers are chosen for their recent contributions in these fields.

Organizers: Amedeo Altavilla, Cinzia Bisi, Chiara de Fabritiis.

8 Sep 2017
15:00 - D. Angella: Slice-quaternionic Hopf surfaces

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