1 jun 2017 - 31 jul 2017
University of Trento
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We are pleased to announce the PhD course:
Quantum information theory and geometry
June-July 2017, University of Trento (Italy).
JM. Landsberg (Texas A&M)
Topics of the course:
Classical information theory (Shannon capacity, complexity).
Quantum information theory and its connections to probability.
Quantum complexity and algorithms.
Representation theory for quantum information
Algebraic geometry for quantum information.
There will be an associated International Workshop: Quantum Physics and Geometry, July 4-6, 2017, Levico Terme (Trento, Italy), http://www.science.unitn.it/~carusott/QUANTUMGEO17/index.html
Scientific coordinators: Alessandra Bernardi, Valter Moretti