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Winter school "Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations”

created by tortorella on 28 Oct 2016

19 feb 2017 - 25 feb 2017

Dobbiaco (Toblach), Italy

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

A winter school with title "Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations” will be held in Dobbiaco (Toblach) from Feb 19th to Feb 25th 2017.

The school is the final event of the PRA Project "Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations" of the University of Pisa.

There will be three 5-hours mini-courses:

- Lucia Caporaso (Roma 3), Combinatorics of moduli spaces of curves,
- Emanuele Delucchi (Università di Friburgo, CH), Combinatorial topology of toric arrangements,
- Paolo Papi (Roma Sapienza), Ad-nilpotent ideals of Borel subalgebras: combinatorics and representation theory.

Moreover there will be some talks.

Participants are required to register contacting the organizers at the following email address:

There are some funding available for young participants to cover full board and eventually travel expenses. Interested participants are asked to send an email with their funding request and a CV to as soon as possible. The deadline for registrations is November 30, 2016.

More informations can be found at the web page

The organizers,

Filippo Callegaro
Giovanni Gaiffi
Rita Pardini
Mario Salvetti

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