Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Berkovich spaces, tropical geometry and model theory

created by daniele on 25 Oct 2016

22 jul 2017 - 28 jul 2017

Bogotá (Colombia)

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« Berkovich spaces, tropical geometry and model theory »

July 22 - 28, 2017 in Bogotá (Colombia).

Pre-courses (2 days) on Berkovich spaces, tropical geometry, model theory

Courses (3 days): Linear series on tropical curves (Matt Baker), Berkovich spaces: a different approach by Hrushovski and Loeser (Zoé Chatzidakis), Degenerations of complex structures and Berkovich spaces (Mattias Jonsson)

Advanced talks (2 days) by Ducros, Jonsson, Rideau, Rincón, Soto, Turchetti, Welliaveetil

We will not be able to cover travel expenses, but limited funds are available for the accommodation and the meals (in particular for young participants). In case you need support, you need to register before May 1st.

The organizing committee: Alexander Berenstein, Pablo Cubides, Jérôme Poineau

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