23 jan 2017 - 27 jan 2017
Conference "Algebraic geometry and complex geometry"
CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, 23rd--27th Jan 2017
Five mini-courses will be given by Jérémy Blanc (Universität Basel), Mark Gross (University of Cambridge, Angleterre), Johannes Nicaise (University of Leuven, Belgique) and Alena Pirutka (Ecole Polytechnique), the last one TBA.
The afternoon sessions will consist in more specialized talks : people interested can propose a talk by sending a title, an abstract and if possible the corresponding paper to Christophe Mourougane : christophe.mourougane@univ-rennes1.fr
REGISTRATION: online pre-registration is open until 13th November on http://scientific-events.weebly.com/1593.html
FUNDING: limited financial support is available to cover accommodation expenses.