Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Workshop “McKay correspondence, orbifolds, quivers”

created by daniele on 07 Jun 2014

15 sep 2014 - 19 sep 2014

University of Warwick, UK

Workshop “McKay correspondence, orbifolds, quivers”
Mon 15th - Fri 19th September 2014, University of Warwick

Organisers: Alastair Craw (Bath), Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff), Miles Reid (Warwick)

The workshop aims to highlight a currently thriving area of research, including its links with representation theory, dimer models and symplectic geometry, and to map out new directions of research, such as derived geometry applied to the case of GL(3), SL(4) and higher dimensions.

Some financial support may be available. Please register online at

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