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Simon Donaldson's 60th birthday conference

created by daniele on 07 Oct 2016

14 aug 2017 - 18 aug 2017

Newton Institute, Cambridge

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"Symplectic Geometry - Celebrating the work of Simon Donaldson"
Newton Institute, Cambridge.
14-18 August 2017.

This conference is a follow-up to the 1994 Newton Institute programme on symplectic geometry.
But in keeping with Simon's interests, it will cover a broad range of geometry, from analysis through topology to algebraic geometry.

Please register here

- Mina Aganagic (Berkeley)
- Denis Auroux (Berkeley)
- Kenji Fukaya (Stony Brook)
- Mikhail Gromov (IHES, Paris)
- Nigel Hitchin (Oxford)
- Eleny Ionel (Stanford)
- Frances Kirwan (Oxford)
- Peter Kronheimer (Harvard)
- Dusa McDuff (Barnard)
- Emmy Murphy (MIT)
- Tom Mrowka (MIT)
- Peter Ozsváth (Princeton)
- Zoltán Szabó (Princeton)
- Paul Seidel (MIT)
- Ivan Smith (Cambridge)
- Song Sun (Stony Brook)
- Clifford Taubes (Harvard)
- Thomas Walpuski (MIT)
- Katrin Wehrheim (Berkeley)
- Edward Witten (IAS, Princeton) TBC

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