18 apr 2017 - 22 apr 2017
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This is an announcement for the spring school "Flows and limits in Kähler geometry" that will be held in Nantes, France, from April 18th to April 22nd 2017.
This school will involve mini-lectures and talks on new ideas in Kähler geometry. The goal is to develop certain technical skills, useful to address a variety of important questions in algebraic geometry and global analysis on manifolds, aimed for PhD students and young researchers.
Lectures will be given by :
- Bo Berndtsson , Chalmers University
- Hans Joachim Hein , Fordham University
- Valentino Tosatti , Northwestern University
- Jeff Viaclovsky , Wisconsin University
We have limited funds prioritarily for students and young researchers. Students applying for financial support should provide a cover letter from their advisor. Partial support will be provided, depending on the number of applicants.
Dead line for registration is December 31st.
More informations on the webpage: http://www.lebesgue.fr/content/sem2017-kaehler