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Geometric Cauchy problems on Lorentzian manifolds

created by daniele on 09 Mar 2016

1 aug 2016 - 5 aug 2016

University of Regensburg

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The summer school "Geometric Cauchy problems on Lorentzian manifolds" will be held Aug 1-5, 2016, at the University of Regensburg.

The minicourses / talks are:
- Index theory on Lorentzian space-times (by Alexander Strohmaier)
- An application in QFT: the chiral anomaly (by Christian Bär)
- Introduction to symmetric hyperbolic systems (by Andreas Hermann)
- Cauchy problems for Lorentzian manifolds with special holonomy (by Helga Baum and Andree Lischewski)
- Constructing global examples with given holonomy (by Olaf Müller)

More information to be found at

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