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Character Varieties: Experiments and New Frontiers

created by bazzoni on 10 Jan 2016

5 jun 2016 - 11 jun 2016

Snowbird Resort, Utah

We invite mathematicians just beginning their research careers—those who are close to finishing their doctorates or have recently finished—to become part of Mathematics Research Communities by participating in the following workshop at Snowbird Resort in Utah.

Character Varieties: Experiments and New Frontiers

There has been intense interest and activity in the study of Character Varieties (aka moduli spaces of representations) in recent years. The study of these spaces intersects a wide range of topics from mathematics and physics. This focused workshop will emphasize examples, computations, and visualizations. Topics to be explored: (1) Quantization, (2) Tropicalization, and (3) Arithmetic Structure.

Organizers: Sean Lawton, Christopher Manon, Adam Sikora.

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