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Mini-workshop on spherical functors and subcategories

created by daniele on 16 Dec 2015

15 feb 2016

University of Cologne

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

There will be a one-day workshop on spherical functors and subcategories at the University of Cologne on Monday February 15, 2016. There will be four talks:

Daniel Huybrechts:
The derived category of cubic fourfolds

Martin Kalck:
Spherical subcategories and new invariants for triangulated categories

Andreas Krug:
Spherical functors and hyperkähler fourfolds

Timothy Logvinenko:

A detailed schedule will be published later on the web page of the workshop, where you can find also additional information:

Everyone interested is welcome! A registration is not necessary, but if you consider attending, please drop us a note.

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