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New Methods in Birational Geometry

created by daniele on 02 Oct 2015

22 jun 2016 - 1 jul 2016

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

The 12-days program New Methods in Birational Geometry will take place at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse from june 22nd to July 1st, 2016. The program is part of the thematic trimester Complex Geometry and Beyond, financed by LabEx CIMI.

The program includes:

- A Summer School from Wednesday, June 22nd to Saturday, June 25th

- An international Conference from Monday, June 27th to Friday, July 1st

The summer school is aimed at PhD students, young post-docs and other reasearchers willing to discover its topics. Lectures will be given by Ana-Maria Castravet (Northeastern University), Igor Dolgachev (University of Michigan), Aleksander Kuznetsov (Steklov Insitute), and Emanuele Macrì (Northeastern University).

The conference is aimed at a broader public of researchers and is meant to focus around the themes developed in the school.

Limited housing and-or travel funding is available with priority to young participants interested in both events.

For more informations, you can consult the webpage: or write to any of the organizers.

The Organizers: Marcello Bernardara, Michele Bolognesi and Martì Lahoz Vilalta.
The Scientific Committee: Serge Cantat, Stéphane Lamy and Laurent Manivel.

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