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Summer school "Cones and Positivity in Algebraic Geometry"

created by daniele on 27 Apr 2015

4 aug 2015 - 7 aug 2015

Loughborough University

The summer school "Cones and Positivity in Algebraic Geometry" takes place at Loughborough University, Tue 4th--Fri 7th Aug 2015

The school is intended to introduce graduate students and postdocs in algebraic geometry to contemporary research around the theme of positivity in algebraic geometry: notions of positivity for algebraic cycles and vector bundles, and structure theory and computation of cones of positive objects.

It will consist of a number of introductory lectures, together with three mini-courses given by:
Izzet Coskun (UIC)
Milena Hering (Edinburgh)
John Christian Ottem (Cambridge)

For more details, see

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