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Summer school on Fourier Integral Operators

created by azzali on 25 Apr 2015

14 sep 2015 - 26 sep 2015

University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The Summer School on Fourier Integral Operators will be held at the University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, September 14-26, 2015.

This summer school, founded by the Volkswagen Stiftung, is aimed at

Master and Ph.D. students, Researchers, Anyone with an interest in Applied Mathematics.

The goal of the school is to introduce the audience to the theory of Fourier Integral Operators and their applications. The theory of Fourier Integral Operators lies at the intersection of several areas of mathematics, such as Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Geometry, Topology and Operator Algebras. The applications range from mathematical physics to the modelisation of problems in environmental sciences. Four lectures (4 hours each) will take place in the morning, with 3 sessions of one hour each day. The afternoons dedicated to lectures on the necessary prerequisites for the morning lectures will deal with Symplectic Geometry, Distribution theory, the theory of Pseudodifferential Operators and the theory of Partial Differential Equations. The participants will also have the opportunity to present communications on their research work related to the theme of the school and to discuss with experts of their domain. The school will have French and English as official languages

Organizers: Bernard K. Bonzi, Touré Hamidou, Cyril Lévy, Marie Francoise Ouedraogo, Sylvie Paycha.

Speakers: Michèle Audin, Bernard K. Bonzi, Nicolas Burq, David Dos Santos Ferreira, Gilles Lebeau, Jérôme Le Russeau, Cyril Lévy, Stanislas Ouaro, Michael Ruzhansky, Hamidou Toure.

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