Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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An Invitation to Geometry and Topology via G2

created by daniele on 23 Apr 2014

7 jul 2014 - 11 jul 2014

Imperial College London

The aim of the research school will be to give a thorough introduction to G2 geometry aimed at beginning PhD students, starting from fundamental material and progressing through to recent breakthroughs and current research in which the UK plays a leading role. The school will also introduce participants to topics of broader interest in algebra (e.g. representation theory), analysis (e.g. elliptic regularity), geometry (e.g. holonomy) and topology (e.g. characteristic classes). The course will also indicate some connections beyond mathematics to contemporary theoretical physics (M-theory).

The main lecturers are:

Robert Bryant (Duke) Jason Lotay (UCL) Johannes Nordström (Bath)

The lecture courses will be supported by tutorial sessions.

Additional lectures will be given by Bobby Acharya (King’s College London), Mark Haskins (Imperial) and Nigel Hitchin (Oxford).

The closing date for applications is Monday May 12th 2014. Numbers will be limited and those interested are advised to make an early application.

Applications should be made at https:/www.surveymonkey.comsMGFJC62

Some contribution to travel costs will be available for both UK-based and overseas-based participants.

For further information see http:/www.claymath.orgeventsinvitation-geometry-and-topology-g2

There will also be a 2-3 day research workshop the following week at UCL on G2 geometry. Further details will be available shortly.

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