1 oct 2024 - 4 oct 2024
Pisa: Centro De Giorgi
The workshop “Combinatorial algebraic topology and applications II” is the second edition of the eponymous workshop held in Pisa, at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica ”E. De Giorgi”, the 27th and 28th November 2023. The main topics of the conference are combinatorics and algebraic topology (broadly intended), as well as their applications to different fields (e.g. data analysis, neural sciences and economics).The aim of the workshop is to gather researchers with common interest in the above topics and to create an atmosphere of discussion where to share ideas. The workshop will consist of about ten one-hour talks from invited speakers, along with contributed talks. The talks will cover both theoretical and applied aspects of the subjects. The invited speakers are at different stages of the academic career, including professors, lecturers, PhD students and post-docs. Moreover, to stimulate the discussion the workshop will include free discussions and a poster session. The workshop will be held in Pisa. The estimated number of participants, aside from speakers and organisers, is 40 people.
Limited funding might be available to junior participants (early registration is recommended). In case of interest, please contact Luigi Caputi (luigi.caputi@unito.it) or Carlo Collari (carlo.collari@dm.unipi.it). The workshop includes some sessions of contributed talks. Those interested to apply should send an email to crm@sns.it, including title and abstract (and financial support request, if any), for the evaluation by the Scientific Committee.
Organizers: Luigi Caputi, Carlo Collari.
Speakers: Filippo Callegaro, Paola Cristofori, Brent Everitt , Dejan Govc , Marija Jelic Milutinovic , Claudia Landi , Ran Levi (TBC) , Martino Lupini , Giuliamaria Menara , Christine Vespa.