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2 Days on Geometric Structures and Function Theories

created by bazzoni on 03 Jun 2024
modified on 05 Jun 2024

19 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024

Università degli Studi di Bari

We are happy to announce a small conference to officially launch the project "PRIN2022 - Interactions between Geometric Structures and Function Theories"

The conference will take place at Università degli Studi di Bari on September 19 and 20, 2024. There will be space for talks from senior speakers as well as from the post-docs hired within the project.

For any inquiry please write to

See you in Bari!

Organizers: Amedeo Altavilla, Giovanni Bazzoni, Samuele Mongodi, Giuia Sarfatti.

Speakers: Davide Cordella, Stefano Marini, Gonçalo Oliveira, Jasna Prezelj, Tommaso Sferruzza, Caterina Stoppato, Andrew Swann (TBC), Nicoletta Tardini, Alejandro Tolcachier.

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