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Singularities and Torus Actions

created by daniele on 19 Jul 2023

11 sep 2023 - 15 sep 2023

Carl von Ossietsky University Oldenburg

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear all,

this is the second announcement for the School and Workshop on Singularities and Torus Actions The event will take place at the Carl von Ossietsky University Oldenburg 11-15 September 2023.

The first part of the event will be an Autumn School directed at PhD student and young researchers. Monday 11 September - Wednesday 13 September with three lecture series

1. Toric Varieties by Andrea Petracci (Bologna) 2. Toric Resolutions of Singularities by Eleonore Faber (Leeds) 3. Valuative Methods in Singularity Theory by Harold Blum (Utah)

The second part will be a 3-day workshop Wednesday 13 September -- Friday 15 September with talks by

- Florin Ambro (Bucharest)
- Ana Maria Botero (Regensburg)
- Lukas Braun (Freiburg)
- Maria Donten-Bury (Warsaw)
- Matej Filip (Ljubljana)
- Jürgen Hausen (Tübingen)
- Milena Hering (Edinburgh)
- Alex Küronya (Frankfurt)
- Hussein Mourtada (Paris)
- Špela Špenko (Brussels)


Please register via email with Milena Wrobel <milena.wrobel(AT)> and let us know which part(s) of the event you are planning to attend.

Best regards,

Hendrik Süß <hendrik.suess(AT)>
Milena Wrobel <milena.wrobel(AT)>

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