Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry in Prague

created by mantegazza1 on 28 Jun 2023

11 sep 2023 - 15 sep 2023


A training school on the interaction between quantum groups and noncommutative geometry and their connections with representation theory, Hopf algebras, Cartan geometry, Nichols algebras, and C-algebras.

Organizers: Alessandro Carotenuto, Mauro Mantegazza, Réamonn Ó Buachalla, Petr Somberg, Sophie Emma Zegers.

Speakers: Tomasz Brzezinski, Kenny De Commer, Søren Eilers, Rita Fioresi, István Heckenberger, Shahn Majid, Pavle Pandžić, Katja Sagerschnig, Henrik Winther, Robert Yuncken.

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