Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Sub-riemannian geometry and beyond, III

created by daniele on 02 Nov 2022

19 jun 2023 - 23 jun 2023

Pisa: Centro De Giorgi

(This conference was already planned for May 19-29, 2020. The conference is the third meeting within the ERC project GeoMeG (Geometry of Metric Groups). The previous editions were http:/research.jyu.figeomegworkshop2018 http:/research.jyu.figeomegworkshop2019 The general plan is to bring together international researchers working in various areas of mathematics with connections to subriemannian geometry or, more generally, metric geometry. The idea for the 2020 meeting is to focus as much as possible on the following subjects: 1) large-scale geometry of nilpotent groups (and as the sub-Riemannian geometry appear as asymptotic cone) 2) Heintze groups (= homogeneous negatively curved manifolds) and their boundaries (which are nilpotent groups, possibly equipped with non-smooth distances) 3) geometry of solvable groups or, more generally, the large scale geometry of Lie groups

Additional information on the Workshop can be retrieved at: <a href=""><b></b></a>

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Organizers: Roberto Frigerio, Enrico Le Donne, Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo, Francesca Tripaldi, Davide Vittone, Stefan Wenger.

Speakers: Emmanuel Breuillard, Marc Burger, Luca Capogna, Paolo Ciatti, Yves Cornulier, Moon Duchin, Tullia Dymarz, David Fisher, David Kyed, Assaf Naor, Pierre Pansu, Frederic Paulin, Roman Sauer, Yehuda Shalom, Romain Tessera, Xiangdong Xie, Robert Young.

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