Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry workshop

created by daniele on 22 Aug 2022

28 nov 2022 - 2 dec 2022

CIRM (Luminy, Marseille)

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

The next annual meeting of the GDR Algebraic geometry and complex geometry will take place at CIRM in Luminy, November 28th-December 2nd 2022.

If you wish to participate, you should register before October 15th 2022 on the website

Housing of most participants will be funded by the organization of the conference. Could you please indicate to us if you have the possibility to pay for your stay? Travel expenses must be taken care of by the participants. Beware of scam, and please let us know of any incident.

Five mini-courses will be given by Pierrick Bousseau (ETH) TBC, Damien Gayet (Grenoble), Emanuele Macrì (Orsay), Claude Sabbah (Polytechnique), and Susanna Zimmermann (Orsay).

The participants that wish to give a 50 minutes talk in the afternoon should send a title, an abstract and, if possible, a reference text, to Stéphane Druel before September 30th 2022 (stephane.druel(AT) We strongly encourage propositions from young colleagues, as well as from confirmed researchers. Afternoon talks will be selected by the scientific committee.

Best regards,

Lionel Darondeau & Enrica Floris

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