13 jun 2022 - 17 jun 2022
EPFL, Lausanne
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Dear Colleagues,
This is the announcement of the conference "Birational Geometry" organized at EPFL in Lausanne, 13 June 2022 - 17 June 2022. The conference is connected to the annual meeting of the Swiss Mathematical Society, held on 16 June 2022 on campus, where Claire Voisin gives the plenary talk.
The planned speakers are:
Hamid Abban
Fabio Bernasconi
Lukas Braun
Michel Brion
Paolo Cascini
Ana-Maria Castravet
Stéphane Druel
Adrien Dubouloz
Andrea Fanelli
Stefano Filipazzi
Jean-Philippe Furter
Enrica Floris
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros
Vladimir Lazić
Emanuele Macri
John Ottem (to be confirmed)
Yuri Prokhorov (to be confirmed)
Roberto Svaldi
Luca Tasin
Sofia Tirabassi
Christian Urech
Claire Voisin
Egor Yasinsky
Susanna Zimmermann
For more information, and registration, please go to https://www.epfl.ch/labs/cag/birational-geometry-conference/. Some funds are available for financial support for PhD students and post-docs. Application deadline for the financial support and for requesting help with hotel reservation is 1 May 2022.
The organizers:
Jérémy Blanc and Zsolt Patakfalvi