Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Conference "Complex Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamics"

created by daniele on 31 Mar 2022

20 jun 2022 - 24 jun 2022

Portorož, Slovenia

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The conference "Complex Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamics - Portorož 2022" will take place in the Congress Centre Bernardin in Portorož, Slovenia, during June 20-June 24, 2022.

The conference website, including registration and more information about the meeting, is at

Here is the (partial) list of confirmed invited speakers at the conference:

Antonio ALARCÓN (University of Granada)

Rafael ANDRIST (American University of Beirut)

Daniele ANGELLA (University of Firenze)

Christopher BISHOP (Stony Brook University)

Filippo BRACCI (University of Rome II)

Barbara DRINOVEC DRNOVŠEK (University of Ljubljana)

Peter EBENFELT (University of California, San Diego)

Frank KUTZSCHEBAUCH (University of Berne)

Bernhard LAMEL (University of Vienna)

Han PETERS (University of Amsterdam)

Duong PHONG (Columbia University, New York)

Takeo OHSAWA (Nagoya University)

Nikolay SHCHERBINA (University of Wuppertal)

Berit STENSONES (NTNU Trondheim)

Alexandre SUKHOV (Universite de Lille)

Elizabeth WULCAN (University of Gothenburg)

Ming XIAO (University of California, San Diego)

Andrew ZIMMER (Louisiana State University)

The scientific and organization committee:

John Erik FORNÆSS, NTNU Trondheim
Franc FORSTNERIČ, University of Ljubljana, franc.forstneric(AT)
Xiaojun HUANG, Rutgers University
Xiangju ZHOU, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Luka BOC THALER, University of Ljubljana, luka.boc(AT)

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